Here's what you will find on this page:

  • Manifesto

    The principles, beliefs, and values that guide my work.

  • About Me

    The bio of Vis Activa® Founder and Creator, Michelle Sterling.

  • The Approach

    The 3 ways these self-guided courses are categorized.


The principles, beliefs, and values that guide my work

I created a moodboard to depict the energy I try to bring to my life every day.

If you are like-minded, I encourage you to take a course, join the community, and help me share the spirit of this message.

Let's work together to open doors, challenge ourselves to tackle the impossible, and create a better life experience for all of those in our communities and across the world.
Manifesto Moodboard

About Me

Michelle Sterling, Founder

I have been fascinated with why we humans do the things we do for as long as I can remember. My curiosity was particularly sparked in an elevator ride one day, when I decided to turn around and face my other riders, as opposed to the door. Their reactions humored me, but ultimately led to my career in helping myself, and then others, deepen our understanding of human nature.

Here's what I know: When we understand ourselves and the world we live in better, we are empowered to make choices that allow us to live a life more aligned with our dreams. There's a freedom that comes from this knowing; an inner peace that flows in recognizing that we always have access to a better way.

My purpose in being here, on this site, is to help you find that better way that works for you so that you too can restore your freedom to dream, create the life you've always wanted, and most importantly -- to know and to be your one true self.

Michelle Sterling

The Approach

Personal and Professional Growth

Go ahead!  Mix your business self with your pleasure self! 

Here's why this matters:  There have been so many times over the years that I've worked with individuals who are struggling to keep their work life and their personal lives separate.  

The "struggle" comes from trying to maintain two separate identities.  The typical workaround usually results in individuals suppressing a part of their personality that someone has told them is "wrong" or "not appropriate" for the working world.  

The truth is you are one person.  One beautiful, creative, resourceful, resilient, and loving person.  And I want you to be comfortable bringing all of that brilliance to all of your life.  Period.

That's why what you will find here are learning topics for your whole life.  Some of them will have a more professional focus, some of them will be more personal in nature.  But I promise you, all of the content will give you resources you can use for your whole life.

There's always time to learn!

Match Your Learning Goals to Your Schedule

  • Learning Snacks

    Short courses that can usually be completed on your own in one hour or less.

    Focus on a single topic or goal.

    Include videos, worksheets, and practical ideas for immediate real-life use.

  • Deeper Dives

    Mid-sized courses that include a plan to complete over a series of days or weeks, on your own or with others enrolled in the course.

    Explores various aspects of a broader topic or goal.

    Includes videos, worksheets, interactive elements like discussion boards and zoom check-ins, as well as a variety of approaches for ways to put what you learn to use in your life.

  • Master Classes

    Longer courses that include a recommended agenda to allow you to work through the content at your own pace.

    Designed to give you everything you need to "master" the topic or skillset.

    Includes videos, worksheets, action plans, and additional resources to help you deepen your knowledge.